Mind the what?

We love helping you improve your sleep, your bed, your duvet and your pillow! Why? Well sleep is the foundation upon which all other pillars of life are built. Consequences of poor sleep thunder throughout your life and affect your health and mental well-being far more than you might expect. Attention to your bed and your sleep. It’s our mission to consciously draw your attention to it. Hence, our slogan is Mind the bed!

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Mind the Bed is also there for your company!

Are you the sales professional who walks customers through the day when choosing a new bed or mattress? If so, we would like to support you. We hope this content too will make you better at your daily advice in the meantime. And if you want we will also go a step further because soon we will offer access to an additional platform. This platform will include in-depth education on sleep and sleep comfort. We go even deeper into the connection between product and advice. What need does your customer have and how can a product fill that need? We sharpen your knowledge of subject terminology and teach you how certain products are made. A digital knowledge base to further develop as a professional sleep comfort salesperson. You decide what you want to learn and how you want to grow.

Do you own a sleep comfort specialty store or manufacturer in the sleep industry? And would you like to work with us to improve your content? We also create quality custom content for your business, website or web shop. Please feel free to contact us.

Would you like to collaborate to exchange links or set up an affliate partnership? We would also love to
hear from you.

Feel free to ask for more information already at info@mindthebed.com