Electric blanket

Sleep better with these 10 Sleeping Tips

6 Oct, 2023
Ilona Migdalski

A wonderful night’s sleep … blissful, right? Some can only dream of it. Getting good, healthy sleep is a must for feeling good about yourself and stepping through life energetically.

Better sleep is important

During our sleep, our body has time to recover and process impressions, experiences and emotions. So quality sleep is very important for our physical and mental health.

It makes us more resilient and positive. Want to fall asleep quickly, sleep deeply and wake up refreshed and alert in the morning? Thanks to our 10 tips for better sleep, we’ll help you sleep better.

Tip 1: Structure is the key to a better night’s sleep

Did you know that sales of non-prescription sleep aids, such as melatonin pills, have increased 44% in the past two years? Since corona, more people struggle with anxiety, which has a negative impact on their sleep quality.

They trust that a pill will provide the solution. But for a better night’s sleep, caution is required because melatonin pills, for example, can seriously disrupt your biorhythm. Rather, build in a set structure:

  1. Get up at the same hour every day, including weekends.
  2. Go back to bed at set times as well.
  3. Have a regular evening routine such as reading a book for 30 minutes.

A fixed structure will have a great impact on your sleep rhythm and the quality of your sleep.

Tip 2: A bedroom is … a bedroom

No playroom or anything. These days, you’ll find much more than just a bed, closet and nightstand in a typical bedroom. For a better night’s sleep, avoid all screens. Many of us also find it a great place for an extra television, a game console, a tablet or cell phone … Get rid of it!

In the bedroom you may only sleep … and make love. The latter is relaxing and has little to no side effects. What you can’t say about displays.

It is important that you associate your bedroom with sleep. So, eyes closed and beaks closed.

Tip 3: Make it dark and quiet

In a dark room, your brain is stimulated to produce melatonin. Melatonin is the well-known hormone that makes you sleepy. This will help you get tired faster and fall asleep better.

Therefore, it is a good idea to completely darken your bedroom. It is also best to avoid a nightlight or alarm clock that gives off light for a better night’s sleep. Do noises from outside or your partner’s snoring keep you awake? Then earplugs are your salvation.

Does your partner really overdo it? Then consider sleeping separately. It will only benefit your sleep problems as well as your relationship and eliminate your sleep deprivation along with possibly other annoyances.

Tip 4: Not too hot, not too fresh

The temperature in your bedroom is also important. During the day, open the window so that enough oxygen enters and your room is well ventilated. Do you sleep with the window open, closed or ajar?

Provided you are not bothered by ambient noise, the choice is quickly made: the more fresh air, the better. In winter, be careful that the temperature does not drop too much, as it can disrupt your sleep.

According to sleep experts, 18 degrees is still the ideal bedroom temperature for a better night’s sleep.

TemperatureGood or bad
16 degrees celciusToo cold
17 degrees celciusGood
18 degrees celciusPerfect
19 degrees celciusGood
20 degrees celciusToo hot

Tip 5: No point in wallowing

Don’t get to sleep or wake up after a sleep cycle to stare at the ceiling for hours? Then get up after no more than half an hour if you can’t sleep. Go to another room and do something relaxing or boring.

Read something, listen to quiet music or drink a cup of warm milk or chamomile tea. Are you a real worrier? Often it helps to write things down. Or are you afraid of forgetting something?

Also recognizable … then write it down. Whatever you do, be sure not to put on bright lights, but use subdued light. When you feel yourself getting sleepy again, it’s time to go back to bed.

Tip 6: Avoid busy activities in the late evening

Being active during the day will help you sleep better at night. Walking or biking for half an hour every day, for example, is definitely a good idea. In the two hours before you go to bed, avoid (intense) exercise.

The idea that you are then definitely tired enough to fall asleep is an illusion. It just makes you feel awake and alert, and has a reverse effect. Research also shows that staring at a screen before going to sleep makes it harder to fall asleep.

This is because the blue light from these screens prevents the production of melatonin. Better to read some more in subdued light. The effort of it makes your eyes tired and you often fall asleep on your own.

Tip #7: Nightcap? No, thank you

A nice drink that helps you fall asleep deliciously? It’s just a thought. Maybe it’s true that you end up in dreamland faster, but the quality of your sleep is a lot worse.

You sleep more lightly and less soundly. Moreover, your body needs extra energy during sleep to break down the alcohol in your body. And as a result, you feel even more tired the next morning.

For better sleep, also avoid products containing caffeine or stimulants such as coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar, cigarettes … and heavy meals.

Tip 8: Relax, really … relax!

Stressing over the fact that you won’t fall asleep has never helped anyone. Have you already built a set pattern into your day? Good job! Importantly, at the end of the day you also slowly scale down to rest.

Relaxation exercises can help. Most techniques focus on breathing. Take a deep breath and concentrate on it until it comes naturally. Breathe in through your nose, and out again through your mouth.

Make each breath deeper. Another well-known technique is 4-7-8: inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, then exhale for 8 seconds. After a few times, you notice that you naturally become calmer. Test it out!

Tip 9: Invest in a good quality mattress

Do you like to sleep on a hard or a soft mattress? Do you prefer latex or memory foam? Prefer a box spring or no box spring? Each of us is different, which is why there is no one mattress that works for everyone. 95% of your sleep comfort depends on your mattress.

Perhaps your mattress is in dire need of replacement? Get advice from a sleep expert: he or she will ask you the right questions to choose the ideal sleep system that perfectly suits your needs.

In the showroom of bedding stores, you can try out the different beds, mattresses and pillows for yourself. Absolutely worth the investment of time and budget to sleep better.

Tip 10: Hang in there

Can you tick off all nine tips above? Then it is a matter of persistence. Give your body time to get used to your new pattern and habits. By the way, not everyone needs the same amount of sleep.

On average, it is between seven and eight hours. Young children need more hours of sleep, but older individuals in particular often get by with less. Therefore, there is no point in staying in bed any longer.

Do you have enough for a seven-hour sleep and need to get up at 6 a.m.? It’s best not to go to bed until 11 p.m. then. Final tip: think of something fun! Choose something that makes you happy and relax just before bed. In this way you resist your thoughts and naturally become calmer.


With these 10 tips, you’re guaranteed better sleep. Still having sleep problems after trying these tips? Your doctor can always help you further if you experience a lot of discomfort from this. Good sleep is vital to your health. Therefore, make sure you get a good night’s sleep!

Most Frequently Asked Questions

How to fall asleep?

Some tips to get to sleep when you can’t sleep are: Listening to relaxing music, consciously breathing in and out, drinking sleep-inducing tea. Avoid using your phone. If you are in this situation often, look for professional help.

Is there food that makes you more tired?

There are some foods that have melatonin in them, but if you really want to go to sleep, it’s better not to eat something. In fact, this triggers your digestion and provides extra energy.