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Suffering from night sweats?

4 Jul, 2023
Jürgen Swinnen

Excessive sweating during sleep or night sweats is a common symptom experienced by many people and can have several causes.

What is night sweats?

Night sweats are excessive sweating while sleeping and can lead to wet nightwear and damp bedding. Lots of sweating can be caused by several factors. The most common include: medications, medical conditions and environmental factors that send your body temperature soaring. In this article, we will take a closer look at what night sweats are and how they can be managed.

Why do we sweat excessively?

Night sweats are relatively common and can cause a person to feel uncomfortable and experience disturbed sleep. It occurs in people of all ages, genders and health levels, although some menopausal women have an increased risk. Because even during the night, a drop in estrogen levels can cause hot flashes.

What could be the cause?

There are several factors that can have an impact. Below are some common causes of night sweats:

  1. Medication: Some medications, such as antidepressants and drugs for fever and infections such as aspirin and paracetamol, can cause you to wake up cold with sweat as a side effect.
  2. Hormonal changes: This phenomenon can be caused by hormonal changes that occur in menopausal women and during puberty in both boys and girls.
  3. Infections: waking up in the middle of the night can also be triggered as a result of an infection.
  4. Environmental factors: Trouble with excessive sweating during the night can also be caused by environmental factors such as a bedroom that is too warm or a duvet or bed textile that is too hot or because you put too many blankets on top of each other.
  5. Mental factors: anxiety and stress lead to night sweats as do some nightmares.
excessive night sweats

How do you avoid sweating during sleep?

The treatment of night sweats depends on the underlying cause. Below are some treatments that can be used to reduce the effects:

  1. Lifestyle changes: Reducing environmental factors such as lowering room temperature or using fewer blankets can help reduce night sweats.
  2. Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to reduce continuous sweating. This can be caused, for example, by medication being taken.
  3. Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy may be prescribed for women who suffer from hot flashes that often occur as a result of hormonal changes.
  4. Treating underlying conditions: If perspiration is caused by an underlying condition, such as an infection, treating that condition will.

Only suffer from night sweats during hot summer days? Then read:

What can night sweats indicate?

Consumption of alcohol or caffeine can be a cause of night sweats. Night sweats can also indicate a stressful lifestyle. An infection can also be the cause of night sweats.

What to do about excessively sweating while sleeping?

Improvements in health and lifestyle can combat night sweats. Meditation may be a solution for you. Also, avoid using too many blankets.

When should I be worried about night sweats?

If you’re suffering from night sweats regularly, it’s time to evalutate your diet, room temperature. It may also be wise to contact a professional while figuring out why you are excessively sweating.

Suffering from night sweats: Conclusion

Excessive sweating during the night can be an uncomfortable symptom that can lead to fatigue and poor sleep quality. It is important to identify and treat the underlying cause to reduce symptoms. If you know about mutual disorders, consult your doctor to determine the cause and get the right treatment. In addition, there are some general tips you can follow such as wearing light and breathable sleepwear, think merino wool or cotton.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bedtime because it is well known that you wake up regularly and sweat faster from both. During hot summers, taking a lukewarm or hot shower before bedtime is recommended. The warmth of the water causes your blood vessels to open more strongly, making it easier to lose body heat. Contrary to your expectations, this causes your body to cool down.