Biorhythms and happiness: morning people versus evening people
Am I a morning or evening person? To answer that question, you can imagine a number of scenarios:
The alarm clock radio plays loudly and pops a buzzer or, god forbid, the morning news into your ears at 7:00 am. How do you respond? Do you jump right out of bed, ready for a new day, or do you loathe that awful sound and long for some extra sleep? If you belong to the second group, you are often in a quandary. The hectic pace of the morning begins …
According to chronobiologist Niki Antypa of Leiden University, about 20-30% of the population is an evening person, while the same percentages are morning people. Among both morning and evening people, about half will be somewhere in between. And apparently women would prefer mornings more often than men.
Does it actually matter whether you are a morning person or an evening person? And can you change yourself?
Are you a morning person …
Morning people seem to have no trouble getting up early. They immediately spring into action and feel energized, even in the early hours. Their energy level is already high enough to start the (work) day. During the day, their sleep pressure gradually increases, so they are often ready to go to sleep at around 10 p.m. in the evening. Are you a morning or evening person?
… Or rather an evening person?
Evening people, on the other hand, need more time to wake up in the morning and have more trouble getting out of bed. They are late for work more often and it just takes exactly longer to get the day going. Their biological clock runs differently, causing them to peak later in the day, often in the evening hours.
Melatonin production occurs later, so going to bed early is often fruitless. When they do try, they often lie awake for long periods of time, which can lead to serious sleep problems. They usually do not seek their beds until after midnight.

Early bird vs. night owl: pros and cons
Research from the University of Exeter in England, which examined as many as 450,000 people, shows that morning people are generally less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety disorders than evening people.
This large-scale study is highly representative and shows that early risers have a more positive start to the day. They take time for a healthy breakfast more often, are less rushed and less stressed. Moreover, our society often focuses on the daily routine of morning people, with work hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For evening people, the situation is different. Their biological rhythms are at odds with the traditional daily schedule and can lead to sleep deprivation. For example, if you go to sleep at midnight and get up at 6:30 a.m., you build up a 1 to 1.5-hour sleep deficit each night. This can lead to constant fatigue and irritability, a kind of “social” jet lag.
Can you turn an evening person into a morning person?
An interesting question! Which chronotype you are is a biologically determined preference and apparently partly genetic. But before you ask yourself if you can become a morning person, it is important to determine if you are really an evening person.
Perhaps you keep yourself awake longer than necessary due to intense activity, food choices that interfere with your sleep, or excessive use of blue-light screens? Some aspects of your sleep habits you can influence yourself. However, research indicates that our genes play a role in determining whether we are a morning or evening type, and that the number of hours of sleep required is different for each individual.
Many successful people, including Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson, swear by getting up early to make the most of their day. But radically changing your biological clock can be challenging.
You can try to adjust your rhythm gradually by following a modified sleep-wake pattern. However, also remember that even though you can influence your biorhythms, your chronotype can probably never change completely.
6 tips for night owls who want to change their sleep patterns
- Consider using a wake-up light or light alarm clock, which mimics the rising sun and wakes you up naturally.
- If you prefer a slower pace, start by opening all the curtains in the house and sitting by the window. While doing so, don’t forget to enjoy a healthy, nutritious and high-energy breakfast and an invigorating cup of coffee!
- Seek out natural light first thing in the morning, such as taking a morning walk, which can improve both your energy and mental health.
- Exercise a lot during the day but avoid intense exercise in the evening. Choose relaxation over exertion.
- Gradually shift your rhythm by getting up and going to bed 15 minutes earlier each day, and take time to get used to it.
- In the evening, use dim light instead of bright lights to stimulate melatonin production. Keep your bedroom as dark as possible for better sleep.
Want more tips for sleeping better and by now know if you are a morning or evening person? Then be sure to read on in this blog:
Frequently Asked Questions: Are you a morning or evening person
Hoeveel procent van de mensen is een ochtendmens?
About 30% to 40% of people consider themselves morning people. Some 50% consider themselves an evening person. Just under 10% go on late into the night and consider themselves a night owl.
Hoe laat staat een ochtendmens op?
It is common for a morning person to get up early between 4 a.m. and 7 a.m.. Morning people have a habit of getting out of bed without any problems. Evening people usually go to bed late, after midnight.
Waarom kan ik ‘s ochtends niet opstaan?
Whether it has to do with stress, depression or simply too little sleep, it is wise to get out of bed immediately to establish a healthy rhythm. When you wake up, it is time to wake up quietly. Most people cannot get out of bed early because they have not slept enough hours.